Sunday, April 29, 2007

Spring Awakening

Cute boys, fun music, and discontent. That's a quick summary of Spring Awakening. Aussie Rob and I got tickets at tkts today for the matinee. I liked the songs, but didn't always follow how they fit into the story, other than the general frustration they conveyed. This show breaks boundaries, featuring on-stage sex, abortion, and suicide. I'm not sure that the sexual display is necessary for making the point. I often find such episodes a cheap way to reach an audience (i.e. Murakami's Norwegian Wood).

On the subway ride home, Rob and I discussed how the play, which is set in 1890s Germany, relates to life in the US today. The show intertwines the two places and times, perhaps reminding us of the importance of education and access to safe and legal medical treatment.

Check out a video of Bitch of Living.

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